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Monday, May 21, 2012

Borrowing and Saving

Taken by EricGjerde on Flicker CC

Today in class, we learned about borrowing and saving; all of the good things that can happen, and all of the bad things that can happen.  We mostly talked about debt and loans, and how much trouble you can be in if you don't pay of your debt.  We used the example of college; college has lots of fun and cool stuff to offer, but how are you going to pay for it all when you most likely already have a loan to pay off for college?  You just have to be smart about what you're buying, and really just know how much money you can spend. Just really monitor how much money you have, what you can spend, and then finally what you need to save.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hey everyone! I really think that Alyssa's blog is worthy of winning the Blogger challenge because I just think her blog is really fun, and her blog is relatable to a lot of people my age. She keeps her blog updated, and her blog is very interesting.  I also don't think she would be expecting a win, so I think it would be really cool for her to win!
Taken by on Flicker Creative Commons Cranamanor13 -I think her blog is fun, and I think the circus is fun, so I related the two :)


Lacrosse Tournament

This is a picture of my team!
This past weekend my lacrosse team played in a tournament in Blake, Minnesota.  There were 28 teams at the tournament, and we were split up into different seeds.  This is the only tournament that we do the whole season, so our coach was telling us that we have to go hard and play hard if we wanted to go all the way to the championships. A lacrosse game consists of two 25 minute halves, but at this tournament, we just played half hour games, due to not enough time to play full games.  We were scheduled to play 4 games, and depending on how we did on those, determined whether we would go to the finals. We lost our first game to one of the best teams there; we only lost by two, and we kept the game close.  We were tied at one point, but then they got ahead and they won.  We won our next three games, though, and that was enough to get us in the finals!  Our first game in the finals was against a team that we had tied against in our regular season.  We were ahead 7-3, but then the refs saw lightning, and whenever they see lightning we have to wait half an hour until we can play again.  The lightning kept coming, and soon after, the rain.  But the refs said that since the game was over 80% over, and whoever is ahead will win, so our team had won! We were in the top 4 out of 28 teams! The people running the tournament said that they will try to reschedule the remaining games, but they don't know for sure.  I really hope they do!!!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dream Job

There's always that question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Your parents usually first ask you this when you're about 5 or 6, and most kids answer, "Princess!"or "Pirate!" or "Movie Star!" or "Astronaut!" When you're a kid, you have no idea how long it will take to get there, for any of those jobs. As you get older, your answer usually changes, and when you finally decide what you're going to do when you get older, what you actually become is WAY different then what you said when you were 5 or 6 years old. I have no idea what I want to do once I leave school. People have told me I would be a great librarian, or a physical therapist, or a coach of some sort. I still have a couple more years to decide what I want to do with the rest of my life. I'm keeping my options open. Work isn't always enjoyable even if you're doing something that you love to do. Like say your a fashion designer, and you love it. You love designing stuff, and expressing yourself. There's still the the paperwork, the meetings, the flights, the pressure of getting a new line done in time for a big show. That can all be very stressful and NOT enjoyable. In the end though, its ususally worth it, because you're doing what you love and what you have a passion for. My fantasy dream job would definitely be a pop star, but I can't sing if my life depended on it, and I have stage fright so I know that will never happen. Other dream jobs of mine would be: music producer, manager for a band, T.V. producer, or someone who just gets to work in Hollywood. That would be my dream. It would be nice to be paid, but if circumstances are complicated, you're doing what you love, and you can somehow afford not being paid, I think it would be okay not being paid. When you're working at school, you're doing work that affects your job when you're older. You're also not being paid at school, and you have your parents to help you through more than you do when you're older. You're also doing what you love when you're older, compared to school. :)

Taken by KiranAmbre on Flickr Creative Commons

Wolf Ridge

This is the view of Lake Superior that we had on our Superior hike.
Image taken by one of my classmates.
This past week, my class of 36 students and 6 adult chaperones went up north to Wolf Ridge ELC in Finland, Minnesota for a week. We left at 5 AM Monday morning, and we stayed until about 1 PM on Friday. It was incredibly amazingly fun!!! I stayed in a dorm with 4 other girls, and a chaperone. It was like a huge slumber party, but you were always so tired, everyone went to sleep easily. Our days were filled with classes. We went on a ropes course that was 30 feet up in the air! We also went rock climbing, and we got to belay our classmates. Some other classes that we had were: Smammals (Small Mammals), Changing Climates, F.I.R.S.T. Games (Team-building), Beavers, Stream Study, and Competitive Orienteering. The best thing though was just being with my classmates the whole week. I learned new things about them, and I'm really glad that this is the class that I got to go with. I wouldn't change that. The thing is, at my school you look forward to this trip all through elementary school. You work 30 hours of service that goes towards the school to be able to go.  You hear so many stories as your anxiously waiting to go. I've gone, and now it's over. That's the sad part. I'm glad I had the opportunity to go; it was all I hoped it would be. I will never forget this trip.